Fitting the EZKey-XS to an A1200

First connect up all the control lines etc which you are intending to use to the EZKey-XS. These may include any or all of the following:

ATX power supply adapter connector
ATX power push button (from tower front panel)
Reset push button (from tower front panel)
Keyboard socket conector cable
xMON monitor switching unit
Infrared CDTV decoder head.

Check to make sure that the power jumper is set in the appropriate position. With the EZKey in place the jumper needs to be towards the front of the A1200 (if positioned for normal desktop usage) if an ATX power supply and ATX-to-AT adapter is to be used, and towards the back otherwise.

Then push the EZKey-XS down onto the top of the ‘square’ 44-pin chip (U7) to the immediate right of the original keyboard ribbon cable connector. The EZKey connector is a tight fit and must be pushed down squarely, quite hard. When in place there should not be any visible gap between the bottom of the EZKey’s fixing socket and the top surface of the A1200 motherboard.

Note that on some A1200’s an oversized capacitor is fitted in position C307. This means that the flash programming ‘fingers’ of the EZKey-XS may push hard up against the capacitor displacing it slightly. This is perfectly acceptable and does not cause any damage to either the EZKey-XS or the capacitor.

Pictues show (top to bottom, left):

EZKey-XS fitted to an A1200 motherboard with all peripherals connected
The infrared head lead and reset connectors under the PCB
The EZKey-XS fitting flush with the A1200 motherboard
The ATX PSU jumper


Power source jumper

ATX power switch

To k/b socket

Hard reset


IR head